Dave Tilma

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Getting Ready for Easter

In my new role as East Side Campus Pastor at epikos Church, I don't often deliver the Sunday sermon. But for Easter, each campus will be receiving live teaching from the campus pastor at all services. So that means I am preparing a message to share with those who will attend Easter morning. It seems strangely peaceful to me. The world right now is chaotic. We have a presidential election that seems more like a circus. The recent terror attacks in Brussels have created an unsettled feeling among most observers. And Milwaukee is currently getting blasted with a wintery mix of ice and rain.

But as I focus on the resurrection of Christ I am finding peace. That isn't the point of my sermon, but an observation that I couldn't help sharing. What I focus on matters. When I focus on the negative news, impeding doom, economic issues or the difficult circumstances around me I tend to be negative. By simply focusing on Jesus and the resurrection my entire point of view changes.  Yours can, too.